Course Outlines
- Exploring the Leases Motivation for Lease
- The Lease Marketing Process
- Product development & selling the lease
- Understanding lessee acquisition process
- Innovative Lease Pricing and Structuring as Marketing Tools
- Outsmarting the competition
- Developing a win-win negotiation Skill
– Understand the strategies for winning the lease
– Recognise the appropriate end of lease term strategies for each transaction
-Understanding negotiate skills
Venue: ELAN Training Centre, 25B, Fola Jinadu Crescent, Gbagada Phase 1, Lagos
Fees: N89,500.00/participant; (Member)
N99,500.00/participant (Non member)
Time: 9.00am – 4.00pm
08035415478, 08023176691, info@elannigeria.org