Training assessment form Name Organisation Mobile Number Email Address Title of course attended: For each of the statement below, kindly tick as appropriate: a. The course covered the topics comprehensively. Strongly agreed Agreed Neutral Disagreed Strongly disagreed b. The course learning objectives were met. Strongly agreed Agreed Neutral Disagreed Strongly disagreed c. The course provided me with new skills and knowledge Strongly agreed Agreed Neutral Disagreed Strongly disagreed d. This training has very practical value to me in my work. Strongly agreed Agreed Neutral Disagreed Strongly disagreed e. The approach to learning and course activities were helpful. Strongly agreed Agreed Neutral Disagreed Strongly disagreed f. I was encouraged and felt comfortable participating during the course Strongly agreed Agreed Neutral Disagreed Strongly disagreed g. I am satisfied with the facilitators and quality of instruction - Facilitator 1: - Facilitator 2: - Facilitator 3: h. ELAN marketing effort for the programme was effective. Strongly agreed Agreed Neutral Disagreed Strongly disagreed i. I would recommend this course to others. Strongly agreed Agreed Neutral Disagreed Strongly disagreed j. Overall, I am satisfied with the course. Strongly agreed Agreed Neutral Disagreed Strongly disagreed Any other comment: Thank you